• Vietnam War Patch US Air Force Bombing Missions PEACE HELL BOMB HANOI.


    "Bomb Hanoi" refers to the U.S. Air Force's strategic bombing campaigns conducted against the capital city of North Vietnam, Hanoi, during the Vietnam War. These bombing missions were part of the broader U.S. strategy to weaken the North Vietnamese government's resolve and military capabilities.

    One of the most significant and controversial bombing campaigns over Hanoi occurred during Operation Rolling Thunder, which lasted from 1965 to 1968. This campaign aimed to disrupt North Vietnam's transportation networks, industrial infrastructure, and military facilities. Hanoi and its surrounding areas were major targets due to their strategic importance.

    Another notable operation was Linebacker II, conducted in December 1972. This intensive bombing campaign, also known as the Christmas Bombing, aimed to pressure North Vietnam to negotiate an end to the war. The campaign focused heavily on Hanoi and Haiphong, targeting key military and industrial sites.

    The bombing of Hanoi and other parts of North Vietnam was highly controversial and led to significant anti-war protests and international condemnation. Critics argued that the bombings caused civilian casualties and suffering, leading to debates about the ethical and strategic implications of such operations.

    In 1973, following the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, most U.S. bombing missions in North Vietnam ceased as part of the agreement to end the war and facilitate the withdrawal of U.S. forces.

    Vintage original Vietnam war in-country machine embroidered patch, size is 3" by 3" - used condition. Patch has "cheese cloth" backing. Very rare.